Strelitzia guide: Care and tips - House of the green

Strelitzia guide: Care and tips

Strelitzia, also known as the Bird of Paradise or the Crane Flower. These are different names for the same amazing plant and they all sound equally exotic. In this guide, you will find all the information and tips so that you can enjoy your Strelitzia and its beautiful appearance to the fullest. It is not for nothing that it has been one of the most popular plants for years. Bring a tropical touch to your home with this special plant! With the Strelitzia, you can turn any room into a jungle.

Shapes and colors

Leaf of Strelitzia Nicolai

There are five known species of Strelitzia, of which the most famous two are the Strelitzia reginae and the Strelitzia nicolai. However, you can recognize them all by their upright stems with sturdy leaves. The Strelitzia reginae has narrow, elongated leaves with a gray haze and a special flower that looks like a brightly colored bird with orange-purple wings. The most famous is the Strelitzia nicolai with its large, green leaves and thick stems. The flower of this Strelitzia also looks like a bird, but with white-blue wings. The Strelitzia reginae can bloom in our living room, but the Strelitzia nicolai only blooms in its natural habitat.


The Strelitzia originally comes from South Africa and has been found in Europe as a houseplant since the eighteenth century. The plant is named after Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz. She was not only the wife of King George III, but also a passionate amateur botanist with a great love for flowers and plants. She had a lot of interest in botany and even contributed to the creation of the famous Kew Gardens. The Strelitzia is a symbol of freedom.

With its large, broad, green leaves and thick stems, it is a real eye-catcher. The plant is extremely suitable for a tropical atmosphere in the house. It also helps that this plant can grow quite a bit. The first step towards an indoor jungle has been taken!

Strelitzia Nicolai care

Finding the ideal location for your Strelitzia Nicolai

The Strelitzia nicolai thrives best in direct sunlight. Feel free to place the plant by the window, even if it faces south. If you bought the plant in a dark garden center, place it a little further away from the window at first so it can get used to its new environment. Then it can flourish in its final spot in the living room.

Lots of sunlight is essential for maintaining this plant. If the Strelitzia nicolai doesn't get enough light, it won't grow well and leaves can even die off. In winter, make sure to place the plant - if possible - in front of a south-facing window. The hours of sunlight are shorter and less powerful then. Even in front of a south-facing window, the plant can still benefit as much as possible from the available amount of light.

Ensure a high humidity

The Strelitzia nicolai is a plant that likes a humid environment. It is therefore important to keep the leaves moist. You can easily do this by spraying the leaves with a plant sprayer. It is important to know that spraying with tap water can cause lime deposits on the leaves. But you can easily remove these white spots.

In winter, the Strelitzia nicolai can dry out a bit and get brown edges on the leaves due to the dry air caused by heating. Although this doesn't look attractive, the plant can handle it just fine. You can choose to cut off the brown edges of the leaves or leave them as they are. If you take good care of the plant, it will bloom again after winter and regain its beautiful appearance.

Watering the Strelitzia Nicolai

The Strelitzia needs a lot of water. Water it as soon as the potting soil is almost dry. In summer, this can be a few times a week, while in winter it is less necessary. The size of the pot is also important. There must be enough space so that there is enough soil in the pot from which the plant can extract moisture. If there is too little space, the plant may absorb water worse. A frequently drooping Strelitzia nicolai is often the first sign that the plant needs to be repotted. Also make sure that there are holes in the bottom of the flower pot so that excess water can drain away.

Frequently asked questions about the Strelitzia Nicolai

What does it mean when the leaves of Strelitzia nicolai curl?

If the leaves of your Strelitzia nicolai curl, this is usually a reaction to dry air. This plant likes a humid environment and cannot tolerate dry air well. Therefore, it is important not to place the plant next to a heater, as the warm air lowers the humidity and can cause the leaves to curl. Fortunately, there are simple solutions to solve this problem. You can, for example, place a bowl of water on the heater. This water evaporates slowly and increases the humidity in the plant's environment.

Can you put the Strelitzia nicolai outside?

Yes, you can put the Strelitzia nicolai outside, but only in summer. This plant originally comes from South Africa, where it is warm and humid. Therefore, you must ensure that the plant is not exposed to temperatures below 5 degrees Celsius. If the temperature gets too low, this can be harmful to the plant. If you do put the plant outside, give it a place in the sun, out of the wind. This way, it can grow optimally. But be careful that if the plant has been inside all winter, you let the plant get used to the shade first and gradually get used to the sun.

Leaf of Strelitzia nicolai won't open

One of the most striking features of the Strelitzia nicolai are the large, green leaves and thick stems. But what if you notice that the leaf of your Strelitzia nicolai won't open? This can have various causes, but the most common is a lack of moisture. As soon as a leaf is pinched, it needs extra moisture to become soft and open. A solution for this is to spray the leaf with a plant sprayer. By regularly misting the leaf, it becomes moist and soft, causing the leaf to gradually open up.

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