Our story


Emmy Mol

Emmy developed her love of plants thanks to her grandmother. Her grandmother was always busy in the garden and showed Emmy how beautiful and important nature is. Emmy started taking care of cuttings of plants in water and was fascinated by their growth. Thus, her interest in plants only grew. After many years working in a garden centre, where she gained a lot of knowledge about plants, the idea arose to start her own webshop.

E-commerce hobbyist

Antoine Tielbeke

Antoine shares a passion for plants with his mother and understands better than anyone how important it is to offer good information to customers. After all, many people have little knowledge of plants and are not so sure which plants are best suited for the home.

We are

House of the green

There are already many webshops selling plants, but Emmy and her son Antoine wanted to offer something different. They wanted a webshop with a selective choice of plants, so that customers did not have to search through a huge range of plants. Moreover, they wanted to offer as much information as possible on care and other questions about houseplants, so that customers could make well-informed choices. So Emmy and Antoine decided to pool their knowledge and passion and set up House of the green. Together with their team, they strive to not only offer customers beautiful plants, but also to inform them about the best care and other issues important when choosing the right plant for their home.