Collection: Best sellers

8 products

Welcome to our Best Sellers collection - find your perfect green companion!

Are you looking for a touch of nature to freshen up your living space? Our Best Sellers collection features some of the most popular and eye-catching plants available. Whether you're a seasoned plant parent or a beginner, we have the perfect green companion for you!

Kentia palm - a tropical beauty to liven up any room

The Kentia palm is a true showstopper. Its elegant, arching fronds create a tropical vibe in any living space, while its hardy nature makes it easy to care for. This slow-growing palm is the perfect addition to any room, adding a touch of green and life to any corner.

Monstera Deliciosa - the Swiss cheese plant that steals the show

The Monstera Deliciosa, also known as the Swiss cheese plant, is a true statement piece. Its large, fenestrated leaves create a unique and eye-catching appearance, while its low-maintenance nature makes it a popular choice for any home. This tropical plant is sure to be the center of attention in any room.

Alocasia portadora - the perfect blend of elegance and drama

The Alocasia portadora is a stunning plant that adds a touch of drama and elegance to any living space. Its dark green leaves, accented with striking white veins, create a bold and eye-catching appearance. This plant may require a bit more attention than some of our other best sellers, but its beauty is well worth the effort.