Collection: Airpurifying plants

12 products

Air Purifying Plants - Breathe Fresh Air with These Natural Air Filters

Our selection of plants includes the beautiful and low-maintenance Gold Palm (Areca Palm), elegant Kentia Palm (Howea Forsteriana), and striking Elephant Ear (Alocasia portadora). Not only do these plants add a touch of greenery to your home or office, but they also help filter out harmful pollutants and toxins from the air, making it fresher and healthier to breathe.

Areca Palm

Dypsis lutescens

The Areca Palm, also known as the Gold Palm, is a popular indoor plant due to its attractive appearance and air-purifying abilities. It features lush fronds that arch gracefully from a central stem and can grow up to six feet tall. The Areca Palm is an effective air purifier, removing toxins such as formaldehyde, benzene, and trichloroethylene from the air. It is also low-maintenance and easy to care for, making it an ideal choice for beginners or busy individuals.

Howea Forsteriana

Kentia Palm

The Kentia Palm, or Howea Forsteriana, is a tropical palm native to Lord Howe Island in Australia. It is prized for its graceful appearance, with slender trunks and feathery fronds that sway gently in the breeze. The Kentia Palm is also an excellent air purifier, removing pollutants such as formaldehyde, benzene, and carbon monoxide from the air. It is also tolerant of low light and dry air, making it a great option for office or home environments.

Alocasia portadora

Elephant Ear

The Elephant Ear, or Alocasia portadora, is a striking plant with large, heart-shaped leaves that resemble the ears of an elephant. It is native to tropical regions of Asia and is known for its air-purifying abilities, removing toxins such as formaldehyde, benzene, and xylene from the air. The Elephant Ear thrives in warm, humid environments and requires regular watering to keep its soil moist.

Breathe Easy with These Natural Air Filters

Indoor air quality is often overlooked, but it can have a significant impact on our health and well-being. Poor air quality can cause respiratory problems, headaches, and fatigue, among other issues. Fortunately, these air purifying plants can help improve indoor air quality by filtering out harmful pollutants and toxins.

Create a Calming and Healthy Space

In addition to their air-purifying abilities, these plants also add a touch of greenery and tranquility to your home or office. Studies have shown that plants can reduce stress, improve mood, and increase productivity, making them a great addition to any space. Plus, their low-maintenance nature means you can enjoy their benefits without having to devote too much time to caring for them.

Transform Your Home or Office with Air Purifying Plants

Make your space a healthier and more beautiful place to be with our air purifying plants. Our selection includes the Gold Palm, Kentia Palm, and Elephant Ear, all of which are effective at removing harmful pollutants from the air. Breathe easier, reduce stress, and create a calming and healthy environment with these natural air filters.