Collection: Philodendron

5 products

We are excited to offer you three unique and beautiful varieties:

  1. Philodendron Erubescens (Imperial Green)
  2. Philodendron Xanadu
  3. Phlebodoium Aureum (Blue Star Fern)

Philodendron Erubescens (Imperial Green)

This stunning plant features large, glossy leaves that range in color from dark green to burgundy. The leaves have a velvet-like texture, making them a pleasure to touch. The Philodendron Erubescens is a low-maintenance indoor house plant that thrives in medium to bright indirect light. It also prefers well-draining soil and moderate watering. With its elegant appearance and easy care, the Imperial Green is sure to add a touch of sophistication to any room.

Philodendron Xanadu

This compact and bushy plant features deeply lobed leaves that give it a unique and tropical appearance. The Xanadu is a low-maintenance plant that is easy to care for, making it a great choice for beginners. It prefers bright, indirect light and well-draining soil. With its lush green foliage and compact size, the Philodendron Xanadu is a great way to add some greenery to your indoor space.

In conclusion, the Philodendron family of indoor house plants is a great choice for anyone looking to add some greenery to their home. With their unique and stunning appearance, these plants are sure to bring life to any room. They are also low-maintenance and easy to care for, making them a great choice for beginners. We hope you enjoy our collection of Philodendron Erubescens (Imperial Green), Philodendron Xanadu.