Collection: Palms

5 products

Our Palms Collection features three exquisite house plants perfect for creating a tropical paradise in your indoor living space. The collection includes:

  • Cycas Revoluta (Sago palm): A unique house plant with feather-like fronds that grow upward and a fascinating appearance. It requires little maintenance and can thrive in low-light conditions.
  • Dypsis Lutescens (Areca palm): A lush, full indoor plant with feather-like leaves that arch gracefully and thrives in bright, indirect light. It can grow up to 6 feet tall, adding height and greenery to any space.
  • Howea Forsteriana (Kentia): An elegant house plant with a slender trunk and feather-like fronds that can grow up to 10 feet tall. It is incredibly hardy and can thrive in a wide range of light conditions.

All of our Palms come in a variety of sizes, making it easy to find the perfect fit for your space. They are also great air purifiers, helping to clean the air in your home or office while adding a touch of natural beauty to any room.

We take great pride in ensuring that all of our house plants are of the highest quality. We work with trusted growers to ensure that our Palms are healthy, vibrant, and ready to thrive in their new homes. Additionally, we offer a range of resources to help you care for your new plants, so you can enjoy them for years to come.

Low-Maintenance Sago Palm

The Cycas Revoluta, or Sago palm, is an indoor plant that requires little maintenance and can thrive in low-light conditions. It has unique feather-like fronds that grow upward and are a beautiful shade of green. This makes it an ideal choice for anyone looking for a low-maintenance house plant.

Lush and Full Areca Palm

The Dypsis Lutescens, or Areca palm, is a lush, full indoor plant with feather-like leaves that arch gracefully. It thrives in bright, indirect light and can grow up to 6 feet tall, making it the perfect choice for anyone looking to add some height and greenery to their space.

Elegant Kentia Palm

The Howea Forsteriana, or Kentia, is an elegant house plant with a slender trunk and feather-like fronds that can grow up to 10 feet tall. It is incredibly hardy and can thrive in a wide range of light conditions, making it a great option for anyone who wants an easy-to-care-for indoor plant.

In conclusion, our collection of Palms is the perfect choice for anyone looking to add some natural beauty and tropical vibes to their indoor space. From the low-maintenance Sago palm to the elegant Kentia, there is a perfect indoor house plant for everyone in this collection.