Collection: Office Houseplants

20 products

Elevate Your Office with Our Gorgeous Plant Collection

Our Plants for in the Office collection features three stunning plants that are perfect for enhancing the aesthetic and air quality of your workspace. Each plant has its unique qualities that make it a valuable addition to any office.


Schefflera Arboricola

Also known as the Dwarf Umbrella Tree, Luseane is a popular choice for office spaces because of its easy-to-care-for nature and air-purifying abilities. Its shiny, green leaves create a vibrant and inviting atmosphere that can boost productivity and creativity. With its elegant and tropical appearance, Luseane can add a touch of sophistication to your workspace.

Kentia Palm

Howea Forsteriana

Kentia Palm, also known as the Paradise Palm, is a classic choice for office spaces. Its lush, green foliage provides a calming effect and improves air quality, making it an ideal plant for busy and stressful work environments. Kentia Palm is easy to care for and can thrive in low-light conditions, making it a versatile choice for any office.

Bird of Paradise

Strelitzia Nicolai

The Bird of Paradise plant is known for its unique and striking appearance. With its large, fan-shaped leaves and vibrant orange and blue flowers, this plant can add a pop of color and excitement to any office. Bird of Paradise is also a natural air-purifier and can help reduce stress and anxiety levels, making it a perfect choice for high-pressure work environments.