Collection: Ferns

3 products

Ferns are some of the most popular indoor house plants and it's easy to see why. They are easy to care for and add a lush, green touch to any room. Our collection of ferns includes some of the most beautiful and hardy species available, each with its own unique characteristics.

Microsorum Diversifolium (Kangaroo fern)

The Microsorum Diversifolium, also known as the Kangaroo fern, is a great addition to any indoor plant collection. It's a compact plant that features fronds with an intricate texture and can grow up to 12 inches tall. The Kangaroo fern is perfect for brightening up any room in the house.

Nephrolepis Exalta (Boston fern)

One of the most popular ferns for indoor house plants is the Nephrolepis Exalta, or Boston fern. It has long, graceful fronds that give it an elegant appearance. It's a hardy plant that requires little care, making it an ideal choice for those who are new to plant ownership. The Boston fern can grow up to 2 feet tall and is a great choice for hanging baskets or plant stands.

Phlebodoium Aureum (Blue star fern)

If you're looking for a unique indoor house plant, the Phlebodoium Aureum, also known as the Blue star fern, is a great choice. This fern has delicate, blue-green fronds that create a stunning contrast against its dark stems. It's a relatively small plant, growing up to 6 inches tall, but it's perfect for adding a touch of color to any room in the house.

Why Choose Ferns as House Plants?

Ferns are one of the best indoor house plant options because they are easy to care for and require little maintenance. They are also great for improving air quality in the home, as they naturally purify the air by removing pollutants. Ferns also add a natural touch to any room and can help create a calming atmosphere.

Ordering from Us

When you order from us, you can rest assured that you are getting high-quality ferns that are shipped directly to your door. We take great care in packaging our plants to ensure they arrive healthy and ready to thrive in your home. If you have any questions about our products or need help choosing the right fern for your home, our team of experts is always available to assist you. Order now and enjoy the beauty of ferns in your home!