
How to Repot a Plant - House of the green

How to Repot a Plant

Antoine Tielbeke

Repotting plants is essential for their growth and health. Often, plants come in nursery pots, but it's beneficial to transfer them to a standard plant pot.

How to Repot a Plant

Antoine Tielbeke

Repotting plants is essential for their growth and health. Often, plants come in nursery pots, but it's beneficial to transfer them to a standard plant pot.

Strelitzia guide: Care and tips - House of the green

Strelitzia guide: Care and tips

Emmy Mol

Strelitzia, also known as the Bird of Paradise or the Crane Flower. These are different names for the same amazing plant and they all sound equally exotic. In this guide,...

Strelitzia guide: Care and tips

Emmy Mol

Strelitzia, also known as the Bird of Paradise or the Crane Flower. These are different names for the same amazing plant and they all sound equally exotic. In this guide,...

Tips for Choosing the Perfect Indoor Plants - House of the green

Tips for Choosing the Perfect Indoor Plants

Emmy Mol

Choosing the right indoor plant for your home can be a little overwhelming, but these tips will help guide you through the process and make the perfect choice. Choose a...

Tips for Choosing the Perfect Indoor Plants

Emmy Mol

Choosing the right indoor plant for your home can be a little overwhelming, but these tips will help guide you through the process and make the perfect choice. Choose a...

How to Water Your Houseplants - House of the green

How to Water Your Houseplants

Emmy Mol

Regular watering is essential for plant health and growth. But how much and when should you water? In this article, we provide practical tips and guidelines for watering different types...

How to Water Your Houseplants

Emmy Mol

Regular watering is essential for plant health and growth. But how much and when should you water? In this article, we provide practical tips and guidelines for watering different types...

Top 3 Best Low Maintenance Houseplants - House of the green

Top 3 Best Low Maintenance Houseplants

Antoine Tielbeke

Entering the world of low maintenance house plants can seem a bit daunting for beginners. That's why we've compiled a list of three easy to maintain indoor plants.

Top 3 Best Low Maintenance Houseplants

Antoine Tielbeke

Entering the world of low maintenance house plants can seem a bit daunting for beginners. That's why we've compiled a list of three easy to maintain indoor plants.