How to Water Your Houseplants - House of the green

How to Water Your Houseplants

Regular watering is essential for plant health and growth. But how much and when should you water? In this article, we provide practical tips and guidelines for watering different types of plants to help you keep your green friends healthy and beautiful.

Understanding Your Plant's Needs

It is important to water your plants regularly, but it is also important to know when and how much to water. In general, plants need more water when the weather is hot and dry, and less when it is cold and wet. However, the key is to understand the specific water needs of your plants.

For instance, these houseplants require little water:

and these houseplants require more water:

A good rule of thumb is to check that the top layer of soil is dry before watering. Stick your finger about 2.5 cm into the soil to feel if the soil is moist. If the soil still feels damp, wait a while before watering. The less space there is in the pot, the quicker the water will run out. This is also true for larger plants.

Avoid Overwatering

When watering, make sure you don't overwater. Too much water can cause root rot and damage the plant. Also make sure that the pot the plant is in has enough drainage holes to allow excess water to drain away.

In general, it is better to water less often, but more at a time, rather than watering in small batches. This ensures that the plant's roots grow deeper and the plant is better able to absorb water.

Making Watering a Habit

"But I always forget to water my plants!" Our advice is simple: set an alarm on your smartphone or mark a specific day in your diary or calendar as your 'plant care day'. Choose a time when you have plenty of time, and remember that the changing seasons often require a change in the rhythm of care.

You will find that once your plants become part of your routine and lifestyle, you will automatically check on them more often. How do they look? Are the leaves drooping? Has their colour changed? Is the soil dry? It's great to see that your plants are doing well when you take good care of them.

The Right Plants for Your Home

Looking for the perfect plants for specific rooms in your house? Check out our collections of Kitchen Plants, Bathroom Plants, and Bedroom Plants.

For beginners or those with a busy lifestyle, low-maintenance houseplants are a great choice. They require minimal care and can thrive even when watered less frequently.

Keep these tips in mind and you will see that your plants stay healthy and beautiful! Visit our best sellers for some inspiration on what plants to get next.

Happy Planting!

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